Wednesday 28 May 2014


First off, I'm am SUCH a bad blogger! nearly a month since my last post and I seriousley feel terrible about it.


1. I've started riding with a riding program through my school during sport time at a stables down the road from school (Not where Midget lives ;( - I'm riding once every first week and twice every second week!!! (Major step up from only riding once every two weeks!)

2. Midge is still sound!!! It was funny 'cause the yard manager was talking to me while he was around and she said "'bout time that pony started earning money!" (Jokingly) LOL.

3. I can officially say I've been bucked off a horse. For some of you that's not much but for me its pretty exciting. Apart from the fact that I compressed my whole spine and gave my body a massive whiplash and re injured my neck injury from that bareback lesson. Been going to chiro and rubbing lots of Comfrey cream on and lots of rest and ice packs.

4. THE DRESSAGE EVENT IS IN 3 WEEKS!!!!! Sooooo looking forward to it, I still don't quite know what horse I'll be riding but I think I've nearly memorised the course.

So yeah.

I've been following everyone else's blogs and you all have some pretty awesome stuff happening. Plus I want to send hugs (a little late!) to L over at Viva Carlos she's been amazingly strong and has done so much better than ever could have.

1 comment:

I love reading all your comments, advice, tips and tricks! Keep them coming :)