Wednesday 19 November 2014

November's 10 Questions - From L. Williams

So, the lovely L. Williams, over at Viva Carlos has brought us yet another 10 questions post! So here we go...

1. Have you ever owned a horse?

Nope :( Hopefully soon though!

I want this 'lil nugget in my clutches

2. What is your favourite aspect of your discipline?

Well, seeing as I really don't have one specific discipline - I basically do whatever my instructor thinks is best for the day (or what she wants to work on with us) - I think that the best thing about horse riding is its not just the riding, I've made some really awesome friends through riding + I've learnt heaps from amazing people!

3. What pet peeves do you have concerning your discipline?

I don't experience this much at GV (I have witnessed this at a few other barns) but the mentality by some people of "If you don't have the latest riding clothes, the best horse and expensive tack then your obviously not a good rider". Firstly, what the fuck. I honestly can't comprehend these people!

4. Do you do barn chores?

I LOVE barn chores! Yes, I know I'm strange but I love doing anything remotely horsey, yes this does include shovelling their shit.

5. What is your least favourite barn chore?

Saddle Greasing. You try greasing 25 odd saddles in a row and tell me how it feels.

6. What do you consider the worst vice in a horse?

I'm going to have to go with rearing, I reckon its one of the most dangerous vices because once a horse is in the air it's really gravity that takes over, and lets be honest who trusts gravity?

7. What saddle brand is your favourite?

I've ridden in a Thorowgood and a Ascot  and my god they are 1000000x more comfortable than the kincade redi rides I ride on in lessons, though to be fair the kincade's aren't too bad.

8. Do you ride with a quarter sheet in the winter?

Never have, and probably never will, lol :P

9. Does your horse wear boots? What kind?

My imaginary horse doesn't :P I haven't actually ridden a horse that wears boots at all!

10. Full seat or knee patch breeches?

I've always ridden in knee patch jods, however lately (since the beginning of the year) I've been wearing through them suuuuper quick! Holes appearing in the 'seat' area in a month and completely unusable by 3 months (despite sewing up all the holes, the material is just completely worn through). So I though I'd just go and grab a pair of full seat jods, but when I tried them on in the store I couldn't life my leg up much, I'd have a hard time getting on a shetland to put it in perspective! I think its the stiffness of the full seat, tbh it feels like a thick piece of fabric tacked on, not built into the jods at all. So I was thinking of grabbing myself a pair of Kerrits Flex Tight II Full Seat, however I still don't know what these would feel like and I can't find anywhere to try them on. So instead I was thinking of buying Kerrits Flow Rise Performance Riding Tight, I've read multiple reviews on these and from what I've heard people say they're long lasting - people have had there pairs for over a year (way over a year!) despite the fact that they are a spandex material. Also added bonus is they're a fairly cool material compared to the dublin jods I've been wearing, and I live in Aus - and it gets goddamn hot here!!

The Flex Tight II Full Seat

The Flow Rise Performance Riding Tight

They both come in various colours btw.

So does anyone have any experience with Kerrits? I'd love to hear what you have to say!


  1. aww thanks for calling me lovely! Yes, keeping up with the jonses mentality can totally be such a waste of head space but just keep your head up!


I love reading all your comments, advice, tips and tricks! Keep them coming :)