Wednesday 28 May 2014


First off, I'm am SUCH a bad blogger! nearly a month since my last post and I seriousley feel terrible about it.


1. I've started riding with a riding program through my school during sport time at a stables down the road from school (Not where Midget lives ;( - I'm riding once every first week and twice every second week!!! (Major step up from only riding once every two weeks!)

2. Midge is still sound!!! It was funny 'cause the yard manager was talking to me while he was around and she said "'bout time that pony started earning money!" (Jokingly) LOL.

3. I can officially say I've been bucked off a horse. For some of you that's not much but for me its pretty exciting. Apart from the fact that I compressed my whole spine and gave my body a massive whiplash and re injured my neck injury from that bareback lesson. Been going to chiro and rubbing lots of Comfrey cream on and lots of rest and ice packs.

4. THE DRESSAGE EVENT IS IN 3 WEEKS!!!!! Sooooo looking forward to it, I still don't quite know what horse I'll be riding but I think I've nearly memorised the course.

So yeah.

I've been following everyone else's blogs and you all have some pretty awesome stuff happening. Plus I want to send hugs (a little late!) to L over at Viva Carlos she's been amazingly strong and has done so much better than ever could have.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Executive desicion

If you haven't noticed lately, there haven't been many posts up and there is a reason for that: In order to keep my content as high as possible and make it so I'm not writing pointless short blogs that people have no interest in - I've decided to write a post a minimum of once a week and other posts as they come to me.

Sound like a plan?

I just don't want my readers bored silly with nonsense writing that makes no sense.

Good :D

Saturday 10 May 2014

Exciting news

I have super exciting news!

My barn is hosting a small novice/elementary dressage weekend!

So my instructor wants me to do the elementary test and we started to go over it today - it's a stripped down version of the standard elementary test and it's going to be awesome! The horse I'll be riding is either Millie (Midge's half sister, same sire) or Casino, both are pocket rockets and have a seriously forward canter but I've ridden them both before so it won't be like I'm performing a test on a horse I've never ridden but we will have 5 weeks to prepare for the test on those horses. I won't get to ride Midge though because he was taken off lessons :(.


It's all so exciting!

The barn are going to try run it as close as possible to a normal dressage comp but all the students will be sharing the lesson horses so it'll probably be slightly different.

And if you haven't guessed...

This is my first dressage comp. Ever.

I'll try get the test sheet up on here soon.

Anyone have any tips for memorising a test?

Wednesday 7 May 2014

I'm sorry!

*eeeek* I'm so sorry! I've missed two posts and now I classify myself a bad little blogger. But... I do have a reason - I made an executive decision to wait until this saturday so I can do a lesson post and prepare some proper post so you guys aren't bored to death with pointless posts.

And I get to see Midge on Saturday *so many levels of happiness*

Friday 2 May 2014

Trying to make enough...

It is HARD.

How do you guys do it? Seriously I've costed it out completely - $98.72 per week. Ninety eight DOLARS seventy two cents.

That is a LOT of money.

And that is the cheapest agistment (the most expensive is around $350/week!!!) in my area even though its 40 mins away!


Finding a job is hard because I'm still in school and most places won't hire me till I'm 6 months older. I just want to own him that cute little bundle of Midge. I love him in a way words can't describe: we've just clicked and connected. But owning him is seeming impossible I've searched and most options won't work right now.

So far things that have been a no:

- Asked at the equestrian centre down the road from my school: Said I have to 6 months older.
- Vet up the road from my house: isn't friendly or inclusive kinda posh I guess.
- Selling crafts online (etsy, etc): there is literally nothing left to make that people want. NOTHING.
- Selling stock photography: my photos aren't good enough.
- Working at bakeries, McDonalds, fast food restaurants: need to be 2 years 6 months older.
- Making youtube videos for money: I don't have anything to make videos on.
- Paper run: doesn't pay enough
- Car washing, mowing lawns, ect: Isn't a reliable source of income.


- Pet sitting
- Horse sitting (my school is in an area with loads of horses


- Baby Sitting!!!: I charge $10 an hour 

I still believe that it will happen but I just want to buy that pony as soon as possible!

Do you guys have any ideas? (all are appreciated?