Thursday 30 October 2014

59 Questions, Cause 60 is just too much!

So because I've had no time this week (can school just go away, please!) and I found this horse meme thingy on deviantART (art website :3) I shall give you a slightly boring filler post! Maybe it's kinda interesting... IDK?

Here I give you cute (but crappy pic) pony as peace offering

1. dish face or roman nose? why?

Either but with a slight leaning towards Roman noses. Um I don't know, but I'm obviously not gonna 'not like' a horse just 'cause they have a dish face!

2. mares or geldings? why?
Either, mares because I love a challenge, but geldings because they can be equally challenging and they can be chilled out. I don't think you can really choose a horse based on gender 'cause there is always an exception to the norm!

3. Do you think warmbloods are over-rated?
Not really, a horse is a horse.

4. Describe your dream horse.
Midge, he has the best personality and is a problem pony according to some people, but thats why I love him :3

5. What kind of bit do you use and why?
Normally a plain snaffle - but it depends on the horse I'm riding. I'm pretty sure all the GV horse are ridden in snaffles, correct me if I'm wrong!

6. Stock horses or sport horses?
Stock 'cause their awesome and lower maintenance, but I'm not discriminating!

7. Favorite horse colour?
Bay, buckskin, black, but then again I find it really hard to say I have a 'favourite' colour 'cause then the other ponies feel left out!

8. Least favorite horse colour?
Don't have one.

9. Dressage or Jumping?
Jumping but a solid foundation in flatwork is essential for jumping and I don't actually mind dressage, and as of late I'm starting to lean towards this dressagey bussiness :P

10. Favorite stock horse breed?
Anything really.

11. Favorite Hot-blooded breed?

Again, anything!

12. Favorite cold-blooded breed?

I'm so boring, ANYTHING!

13. Dapple grey or Fleabitten grey?

I have a thing for dapples, but flea bitten can look very, very nice too

14. Most expensive piece of tack you own?

Nothing as of yet (Soon... Sooooon)

15. When did you start riding?
I started lessons when I was 9 but I've been on pony rides since I was 3 and trail riding since 7 (or 6)...

16. Leather or Nylon halters?
Depends - Leather look smarter for shows and stuff, but for everyday Nylon, cheap and cheerful + a heap of colours.  

17. Apples or Carrots?
For horses? Apples, I guess they have a sweet tooth :'). For me? Both

18. Chestnut or bay?
Bayyyyyy (may or may not be slightly, bias ;)

19. Palomino or Buckskin?

20. Lazy horse or Hot horse?
Both - I love the challenge of working with a lazy horse and getting the best out of them, but I also love riding hot horses and getting them to actually work, not just run all over the place. I'm not picky I guess but I would tend towards a lazy horse for challenge and the enjoyment and satisfaction of getting them to move their lazy little buts!

21. Have you ever been trail riding?


22. Have you ever had to put down a horse that you loved?
No *fingers crossed*

23. How many saddlepads do you have?
0 (YET....)

24. How many bridles do you have?

25. Favorite saddle brand?
Kincade can actually be comfier than Wintec but I like bates for the leather and the smart look.

26. Beige or White Breeches?
Beige although I do prefer dark breeches (they hide dirt better)

27. Least favorite discipline?
In hand showing

28. Do you own a horse?
Not yet - I'm finding a job and then I'm going to buy Midge, as I'm sure I've said more than a bajillion times before :P

29. Do you collect Breyer horses?
Nope I collect Schleich Horses.  

30. Favorite color of saddle pad?
Any colour, if you haven't picked up on it yet, I'm really not a picky person (sometimes...)

31.Private barn or Boarding stable?
Depends on the facilities - to be honest I would be happy anywhere, but I would like the company and riding buddies at agistment!

32. Opinion on spoiled riders?
How come they get to buy 10 thousand horses the second they ask their dad but I'm riding once every two weeks for an hour and working my but of to get there. (and dreaming of buying midge... :) Ok, ok, might be exaggerating a 'lil. I have nothing against people with mulitple ponies btw!

33. Have you ever ridden tackless?
Ridden bareback in a group lesson - second time I fell off and sprained my neck :(

34. Have you ever stood up on a horse?
Nope, and if I buy Midge I don't think I will :')



Midge's train of though :D

35. Overo, Tobiano, or Tovero?

36. Favorite face markings(s)?
Any - I'm not fussy!

37. Why you started riding?
I've always loved horses I started saving up for riding lessons when I was 7 and finally started when I was 9, then I started volleying and now I'm so so so close to getting a job and a pony!

38. Does anyone in your family ride?
My younger sister :) 

39. Have you ever owned a horse?
No but I plan on buying one near the end of this year, or early next year!

40. Something you want to improve on?
Jumping position and lengthening and extending of strides, and leg yielding!

41. A bad habit you have?

Not bending my arms, sticking my toes out, giving too much with the reins... Should I go on?

42. A bad habit your horse has?
Do I even have to go through what Midge does? (I know he's not my horse, but still...)

43. How high have you jumped?
40-60cm I think?

44. Have you ever had a dressage lesson?
Yes! Last term I rode with school at a primarily dressage stable! It was a great experience and got me very interested in dressage, but I don't think that stable was the right fit :/ 

45. What really makes your horse spook?
Well Midge spooks at anything - He spooked at tire tracks! And he will not let you have a drink (water bottle or not) while you are on his back. Makes mounted games fun...

46. Trail riding or ring work?
Both but arena work more.

47. Indoor or Outdoor arena?
Both, depends on the day

48. Colorful or plain saddle pads?
Depends on the scenario, lessoning or showing? Showing: Plain - Lessoning/Casual: Anything!

49. Do you like horses with blue eyes?

50. Have you ever gotten into a fight with your trainer?
Nope all three of my trainers have been freaking amazing!

51. Light bay or Dark bay horses?

52. What is your equestrian dream?
Tbh, learning as much as I can, and maybe becoming a vet or vet nurse... Maybe.

53. Long mane or Pulled mane?
Both depends on the horse to be honest

54. Least favorite thing about your barn?
It's far away but not too far - 40 mins - far enough that my parents won't drive me out there more than once a week, but luckily its close enough that they'll drive me out there at all.

55. Favorite thing about your barn?
The people and the horses, and the atmosphere and the fact we're all like a family :)

56. Have you ever ridden a stallion?
Not to my knowledge - LOL!

57. socks or no socks on a horse?

58. Favorite horse names?
Whatever suits the horse.

59. If you could ride any horse in the world, which one would it be? why?
A schoolmaster for a lesson would be nice, but otherwise Midge :3

So congrats if you got all the way down here! I promise I'll get back into action next week!

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